Create your own collection of officially licensed digital trading Cards 

Grow your fanbase and build a genuinely engaged community.
Connect with your fan base by providing exclusive content and unique rewards.

Join Zoop as a Celebrity & Creator
Create Illustration
Share Illustration
Reward Illustration
Grow Illustration


Create personalized digital avatars that reflect your unique character.

Zoop handles the entire end-to-end process of development and integration for Avatars and Cards, hassle-free.


Promote your Cards through traditional networks to increase interest and awareness of the opportunity to earn rewards on Zoop. 

Share unique content on the feed with your Fans. Engage with your audiences and grow a thriving following of loyal fans for free or as monthly paid subscribers.


Provide exclusive rewards for loyal fans who collect your Cards. It can be anything from a personal shoutout to a live or virtual meet-and-greet.

Keep your collectors engaged with rewards catered to every Season and every Drop.


Zoop offers Celebrities & Creators the opportunity to grow fan engagement and generate significant additional earnings.
Fans get exclusive content and unmatched rewards and you create long lasting and genuine connections with your fan base. 

It’s a win-win.